Thursday, December 08, 2005
Journeys:2: Lost and Found
The first time ever my parents left me alone for 5 mins was when I was about 3 years old. Do they regret it or what?! I have been known to have taken an affinity to the outdoors ever since. Well.... at least until after my undergrad college.
Let me start at the beginning. I was 3 and we lived in a small town in Western India. It was the day of the annual function at my sister's school. We were all very excited since she was to recieve 1st prize for Runnins Race at the function. Dad was gonna come to school straight from work. So mum and us daughters got ready and were about to lock up the house when I insisted I get to do the deed. So mum handed the lock to me and waited at the gate.
So here I was busy dealing with the lock, when I heard mum and sis walk out to the street. Now the street was a short path down from the door. And if I remember right their were some hedges lining the compound too. For about half a minute I was hearing voices in the street but couldn't see anyone. And since I had gotten myself into the situation by choice, I had to figure out how to lock up also na! So by the time I got done figuring out the lock and doing the needful there was absolute silence outside.
Out sautered lil me to find the whole family had ditched me and gone ahead. At least that's the conclusion my beautiful mind came to!!
I was to find out later that the neighbour's kid had gotten back from the hospital after some illness and mum n sis dropped in to see how she was doing.
But then genius me concluded they had just started walking ahead and I was supposed to catch-up. I ran up to the street corner, still no mum n sis. So I went a little furthur, still no one. By this time I had reached the local panwala/cycle repair kinda shop [my memory eludes me] and looking every bit the lost child about to spill her treasure of pearly tears.
Nice man at shop came up to me and asked me who I was and where was home and such. Now bright lil kiddo that I was, I gave him the whole story, didn't leave out anything. Which went something like this;
"My sister studies in the local KV. It is their annual function today. She is supposed to get a prize. My family left me and went ahead. I dont know how to get there. booo hooo hooo!!!!!"
Nice man at shop also had a bicycle with him. Asked me if i knew how to get there or where the school was. Now I had been to the school only a coupla times with my parents. But the photographic memory of roads which does not extend to people or incidents was put into use the first time ever! I told him a coupla landmarks for the school. It was next to a big water tank. Surprisely Nice Man knew where that was, dumps me on the bicycle bar and cycles all the way to school.
By the time we get there it had started to get dark and I was getting increasingly upset about not finding my family. Once we got there bright man took me upto the stage, held me up and announced my name hoping someone would come get me!
Meanwhile mom and sis came outta neighbour's house to find me gone. Suffice to say mum went beserk with worry. Called dad at work and he came home too. After considerable searching and registering a complaint and such Dad decided to go check at the school anyway.
Imagine his surprise when he reached the school and one of the teachers [Chandan Madam] came upto him with self in tow!!
Apparently we had been to this particular teacher's house just the night before to verify some function related question and she had seen me. So when the guy held me up on the stage she recognized me and kept me with her till dad got there.
Anonymous nice man had gone home after doing his good deed for the day.
PS: we did go back to the function with sis later, just in time for "jana gana mana...." :D
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Journeys:1:Silp and Slide
But if someone asks me what I enjoy most, then surely I can say without hesitation "Traveling and exploring new places". Now that is something I am up for every time a suggestion comes up and it is always eventful and interesting.
Thinking back it is something, which comes from habit and not by choice, I suppose. I have been travelling from almost when i was born, never staying in one place for longer than 5 years.
My first trip was from Bangalore to Bombay, when I was just about 3 months old. Of course I don't remember anything about it, but my folks have told me the story enough times to know it by heart.
[Possibly the first journey was earlier when my mum came over from b’bay to b’lore, but let’s just deal with absolutes only for now :P ]
So there I was a little bundle of joy to my mum and grandparents. After the initial resistance, I was even starting to be my sister’s favourite plaything. After 3 months my mum decided to get back to Bombay and dad. So plans were made, tickets were bought etc., for the almost day long train ride to b’bay. Now in those days that was a very long journey from my grandparents point of view. Also post-natal care was the top most concern on their mind. So, all things considered, dear daughter’s luggage was nearing a truckload by the time we were ready to board the train.
Thanks to helpful co-passengers and general concern for lone mother with 2 kids, we were all safely set up in the compartment and sent off. Grandpa promptly sent a telegram to son-in-law as soon as train left;
“Family boarded Kurla Express. Stop. Reaching 8 am. Stop. More luggage than usual. Stop.”
My dad although forewarned in this gentle manner by well meaning parents-in-law took only one friend with him to the station thinking, “how much luggage can there be?”
Journey itself was uneventful. Now the great and beautiful Victoria Terminus [as it was called then, I still refer to it as VT] is a lovely mess if there ever was one. It used to be a pretty dirty and extremely crowded station. One needs special skills to maneuver the crowd and the bustle.
Train reached Bombay at expected time, there was Dad with faithful friend to pick up the wife n kids. Dad comes into the compartment and starts looking around to pick up our luggage. Turns out all that he can lay eyes on are his to pick up. Being the fan of minimalism that he is, he was instantly annoyed at the excesses of his parents-in-law, and the quiet acceptance of it on my Mum’s behalf.
Now Dad is a person who never expresses anger in loud or harsh words, he just goes quiet with a knotted expression on his face. So that’s what he did. After a grunted “hmpf!” at the collective situation, hugs and such for the kids he turned around to start pulling stuff out of the compartment with his friend. After several trips of in and out a nice little pile was formed on the platform and all that was left in the compartment was mum and I [Sister of course had happily trotted off to help the guys with the ‘hard work’]
So making sure all our stuff was out, Mum made her way to the door. You know how high those steps are in Indian Railways? Suffice to know they are pretty high from the platform. So there was Mum, trying to negotiate, purse, baby bag, baby and steps all at the same time. Dad sensing the difficulty asked her to hand something to him. Mum hands me over so that she can use both hands to hold the railing to step down.
The gap between the platform and the train was considerable and as I was being passed from Mum to Dad, a piece of luggage blocking dad’s way caused him to trip a little and I slipped out of both hands and fell towards the edge of the platform and that gap.
For a moment there I am sure both their hearts stopped beating.
But fortune smileth on self, the aforementioned piece of luggage in dad’s way was a bedroll [also called a hold-all in my grandpa’s words, which was like a carry-on sleeping bag in those days]. So baby safely landed on the bed-roll, ensuring instant relief all around.
Of course some healthy crying due to shock and surprise followed, but all in all my first journey was safe though eventful.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Another winter day has come
And even Paris and Rome
And I wanna go home
Let me go home
This year my tolerance for the winter chill has gone down severely. Since I had given up on the thought of going home, it was all the more unbearable. But winter hasn't quite taken off this year. Maybe the nature gods are on my side, I thought. Somehow the year seems to have been too long and yet time seems to have flown by.
And I’m surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel alone
Oh, let go home
Oh, I miss you, you know
I make new friends at an alarming rate. It is sometimes scary actually. Very disorienting in too, emotionally i.e. People come and go every few months. Groups form and scatter every year. As I begin to see a pattern it disintegrates and a new one takes its place [Builds resilience i hear ;) ]
Amidst all this chaos there is a beacon which keeps things in line. One thought which makes sense and keeps all confusion at bay. Took me a long time to realize but yea, there is always one place I can go to for constancy [even if it is constant lunacy ;)] Home!!
Let me go home
I’ve had my run
Baby, I’m done
I gotta go home
If you really want something there is always some way to find it. Despite dozens of nagging questions and if's and but's & maybe's and may-not be's I have made up my mind and booked the tickets! yeayyyyy!
I am going home! actually in the 4 yrs i have been here never have i been more thrilled abt going home as this year! i really can't put a finger on why?
[I deeply suspect it is all cos of the nostalgia filled blogs Scary writes :D now i can stop being jealous and go enjoy my own trip ;)]
As soon as the thought takes shape, my mind is flooded with images of people, the house which has been my permanent address for quite sometime now, the streets in my area where practically everyone knows everyone else. new people come and go but the old original set has weathered its way thru the years.
hmm..... so much do! i run out of breath as my mind makes its way down an invisible list.
The fav hang outs, discovering new ones, places to check upon, deals to bargain in the little unknown gali's and of course scores of ppl to meet!! uff! 3 weeks is never enough time is it? But we shall make it worth it!! :)
Let me go home
It will all right
I’ll be home tonight
I’m coming back home
- from Micheal Buble's Home
Monday, November 21, 2005
baat ek raat ki
“ek chai”
Train whistles
“do rupiya, pyali wapas”
Chug chug…
half cup…
S3… chug chug chug…
Oof! Oof! Slurp…
S6…S7…… chug-chug, chug-chug…
Ouch! Oof ooof!
“yeh lo!!”
S11……running desperately
“haath do!”
shit! !
“meri chai?!” she asked laughing as I climbed in panting!
PS: Creative. trying a hand at the 55 word story.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
goodbye and goodluck
i shall never forget the day we met
fireworks lit the sky
yes i remember the day we met
wasn’t it the fourth of July?
time flew as we explored
and umpteen evenings we spent together
let me tell you my heart’s desire
i want to fetch the moon for you
the emotions were there
but a little confused
the time we spent
was not, with love infused
let us try this novel scheme
you be my best friend
and i shall try to be yours
yes it is novel indeed
cos i have been your friend
but you are yet to be mine
but we must be!
i miss you when you aren’t around
i even make up reasons to come see you
but i might never have guessed
from the way you behave
how would i know the truth
when being a mystery, so much you love
but can you do one thing for me
wait for me while i make up my mind
think of me more than anyone around
how dare you dangle a carrot in my face
of all the confused people i know
you take the cake
maybe nothing else will work out
and before you know i will be back
then we can continue our little jaunt
hold hands and sing Faust
if i cannot be your choice
i won't either be a backup
i hope you will understand
when i wish you "goodbye and goodluck”
PS: Creative
Monday, November 07, 2005
standing still
also after an year long series of activities i am kinda burnt out on the outdoor thing. let me list a few things, started with skiing bright and early on Jan 1st! progressed to more sking, kayaking, canoeing, parasailing, horseback riding, swimming, rafting, trekking [whew!]
my system is rejecting the very thought of going anywhere or doing anything new, i have pushed myself too much i guess, so time to wind down.
the group I was hanging out with is kinda dissolved for the next coupla months. So there goes the chance of any external temptation. It is "india trip" time for everyone. Some of them getting married, some of them who want to.
so i am looking forward to a few months of uninterrupted "me" time. new job and possibly new apt should keep me busy.
have you seen "bed of roses"? there is a scene in the end where Christian Slater has given up delivering flowers and has furniture in his apt, i somehow feel like that.
Ahh well.... good year so far. let us smile and brave the winter.
Humming:Baanigondu yelle yellide
Thursday, September 15, 2005
the view from the other side
She felt a prickle of consciousness as she looked around and found the cause as her gaze settled upon the long form of a man leaning against a pillar across the street. As their eyes met she realized that he had been watching for sometime now and was waiting to look into her eyes.
The instant pleasure in the subconscious of finding someone fascinated with her quickly underwent a morph from pleasure to annoyance at the assured arrogance to pleasant surprise at the constancy and depth of the glance. She was amused at her own predictability. He seemed to register the shift in emotion as imperceptibly as the change in her expression had been, leaving him amused also.
The moment stretched as they looked out the windows of their souls leaving a little crack open for the other to peek in for that fraction of time.
As she explored what lay beneath the cool façade she was reminded of another such lazy afternoon eons ago. The memories of ‘flash and burn’ bought back a kaleidoscope of images and emotions fanning embers that she thought lay dormant. But he seemed a veteran, wearing his scars well and unfazed by what he found though the chinks in her façade. The wry grin and open expression spoke volumes of the past and the possibilities.
As the visual exchange bordered on eternity a sudden quick breeze blew across the piazza taking her papers with it.
PS: Creative
Saturday, September 10, 2005
there is a picture in my mind.....
which needed to be held down
before it floated away
like a wayward cloud
on a summer day.
i have never used a paint-brush. but i want to paint you a picture of this feeling, this thought, this image in my mind.
it is pleasant, bright. there is a woman sitting in a piazza. some paperwork spread out around her at the table. a cup sitting at the edge. an expression of satisfaction on her face as she is looking up into your amused eyes, as though she is begining to smile back at you. like she knows what's on our mind. like she's about to share something funny with you.
you smile as you look at her.
then you concentrate on the half formed smile, you look more intently at the picture, you realize there is a little sardonic twist at the edges of that smile. then if you look deep enough into her eyes, you see a shade of sorrow, a hint of pain, endured over a lifetime, valiantly fought against and kept at bay, glowering embers adding an undying spark to this picture of mystery.
what is she writing? what is in the cup?
PS: Creative - after watching salaam namaste. if this is what romantic movies do to me...... help me god! :P
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Sometimes Life is......
Stuck in eternal déjà vu
Of people wishes things and situations
Of love loss wants and emotions
Like a crazy joy ride
Or like a never-ending Sunday afternoon
Like a vast arid desert
Or like a lake shore on a clear day
Dying embers of a fire long gone
Or new beginnings waiting to see the light of day
PS: Creative - On a boring day at work.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
well.... the long awaited story
After about 4 hours we were done oohing and aahing over natural beauty and landed in the gift shop [uff! at last ...... my territory].
Now having been there to se orchids i naturally wanted to pick up a souvenir resembling one too! but somehow the marketing department at the nybog had overseen a most imp marketing strategy.... there was almost nothing in the shape of an orchid in that very big, beautiful and expensive gift shop!
well i did say almost didn't i ..... .... they had one little item which was cute and affordable. A wine bottle stopper!! so i bought one - pretty n lilac orchid. So that was one successful outing now wasn't it?!
SPLASH!!!!!!! wake up! that was just part one.
[ok ok patience .... i am getting to the actual point of this story]
don't throw anything that will spoil the fabric of my new jacket!! we have gotten to the stopper we ain't far from the bottle.
so well..... now i had a stopper and no bottle [no need to lend me yours thanks very much - u might need it by the end of this blog] so one day a coupla weekends ago i picked up a bottle of red and a bottle of white based on an impromptu hunch that i might soon have reason to celebrate. i am kinda superstitious abt stuff like that - things woking out in natural sequence of events etc..... ;)
so anyway.. let me not digress here. So now i had the stopper and the bottle i realized i did not have an opener. Yeayy!! another shopping opportunity! So off i went to Crate&Barrel [no they do not sell crates and barrels of anything] and got meself one of those fancy opener thingies.
Now all that was left was a reason to celebrate. So I went out there and found one.
for a few months now i had been searching for something. late nites spent researching and wknds looking for it. Then after 2 months one nite i saw it ...... online - i knew it was meant to be, I knew it was mine...... i had been dreaming of it for a long time...... So I travelled a long distance, cut a decent deal and made it mine :D
I have a glow about me now, a strange sense of peace and accomplishment.. .. a deep satisfaction which can come only out of making the right decision when you know it was meant to be.
So ladies and gentlemen .. without much more ado .. I present .. the new love of my life..
Yes it is not a Miata :( and no it is not Red n white either which was the original choice. Neither is it yellow and black [someone warned me about being teased mercilessly :P] This shade is called 'a little compromise' which went a long way in getting the perfect solution – feels a lot like love doesn’t it ;) ..... for me it is :-D
PS: Personal
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Falafel Story
Then i went to SFO – everyone and anyone told me about this really good falafel drive in the valley area. So I had it on my mind. On the day we were supposed to come back me and a friend of mine had gone for a drive.
So on the way back I was telling her about how I wanted to try the falafel place and hadn’t gotten around to it this time. At this point of time we were 2 exits from her place. And we saw this exit to the blvd on which the drive-in was. So on a whim we felt adventurous and thought why not get it?! Since we were ahead of schedule and I still had 2 hrs to get to pick up the other girls who were an hr away. So off we went in search of it. We drove and drove and drove – only to find out that the damn blvd ran across half of California. Well gist of the story by the time we reached it had closed. So yet again no falafel for hungry child, mai apni aasha mann me dabaye chali aayi :(
And then it started to rain.... so we got back quickly to friend’s place and I knew I needed to pull a Schumacher routine to get to Pleasant Hill from Sunnyvale in time. Which was not a problem at all considering I was driving an almost new Ford Focus. Some amazing power it had.... it just flew on those roads. And there is something to be said of roads in Caliornia..... they seem to have no cops!! :D also 70 is ho-hum but 90 or more is more natural. Now that’s my kinda state! :P
Well anyway to make a long story short I made it in record time. But still in the end we missed the flight cos even Schumacher can’t do nuttin when the roads are blocked by accidents. But such dedication to a whim - u oughtta appreciate me :P
So the resultant was that we reached airport late and missed the flight back to NY. We were put on standby, I got the others out on the first flight next morn and took a later flight out in the afternoon. So had a few hours of peace for self to figure things out.
After all that Schumacher-giri the first thought in my mind was – so this is how it feels to drive a real car! [sigh...!]what I was going to do about that car of mine back in NY which refused to start up whenever it felt like a rest? How could I keep driving that bucket of bolts? Deep questions of life needed some deep answers. So I came back to NY a changed person.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Spring Cleaning
The cobwebs of the mind needed clearing away
with some good sense and light of day.
All slights real and imagined of actions & words, by those who mattered & not needed to be erased before they became permanently etched in the brain and spawned bitterness and god forbid more cynicism than already there!!
The need to let go of something which is not meant to be, the need to find hope for hope to exist, gives strength to break away from ties that are borne out of desperation and bound by illusions of happiness.
One cannot force happiness - Happiness happens, and maybe that is the good thing about it. Granted it is always when you least expect it. Most definitely feels best when you have been in the pits. But it is something which we need in doses large and small every now and then to go on. And sure enough it finds its way back to our doorstep and the dance with fortune continues.
So hey, who is complaining.... cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complainin’ Because I’m free Nothing’s worrying me.
PS: Personal - I sold most of my stuff today.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Sound of Music
My romance with music and cultural programmes started at a very young age. Considering a seriously musically inclined & educated parents it must have started much before.
My earliest memory of a musical performance is an IAP [invited audience program]recording of a ghazal nite for All India Radio. The performer was Manhar Udhas. In today's date I cannot say I like his singing anymore. But I distinctly remember thinking I liked him better than Mr.pankaj udhas though.
Anyway, these program’s are conducted regularly by AIR and usually start at 7 or later in the evening and go on till 10 or more. Depending on the weather you are seated on chairs or "gadda" under the open skies. [I have to mention here that ladies from Delhi have an excellent dress sense.]
Usually such ghazal program’s have a few standard pieces to start with and then are more or less taken over by the audience. There are requests galore from the die hard fans. The innumerable "arz hai" 's and "irshaad" 's set the mood for a very different kinda evening.
A coupla other events that stand out in my earliest memory are a "Hasya Kavi Sammelan" and a "Shayri Baithak". Both terrific experiences no one should miss if given the chance. Although I am not sure stuff like this happens in Southern India a lot. These are all from my days away from the south. These events are full of people who are real fans of shayri and quality jokes, who follow these particular artists and know what to request for at which point. I can say my education of urdu began there.
Usually the sammelan/baithak consist of a group of artists who are versatile in different styles of the same art. like there maybe shayars/hasya-kalakaar from lucknow or banaras or punjab or gujrat or delhi and each one will have different style of sher or joke. the rendition itself is half the fun of listening to stuff like this.
The camaraderie shared by the artists on stage is a pleasure to watch, one enticing the other to respond with a better sher/joke. A very jovial 'let's see whoz better' kinda thing. Everyone taking pot shots at the political/legal systems. The usual romantic ones give way to those who poke fun at the perpetual majnu's. The creativity at such a congregation is simply electric.
Sitting in accumulating dew at a late nite of such performances is worth all the pain and disconfort you might have [try sitting on a gadda all nite long]. The collective "wah wah" and "bahut khoob" of an appreciating audience makes one aspire to be creative.
kewwl stuff!! They provide a real insight into what our culture and arts are like. [How can I forget these examples when in the midst of imp. arguments!!]
More recently I had the opportunity to attend a few performances in Bangalore of a more classical nature. There are no words left unused to sing the praises of Shashank's flute. As a part of Bangalore Habba - the city fest, he gave a performance at Ambedkar Bhavan. He started off with a few thyagaraja kriti's, which had everyone keeping time with the taala. A performance is made better by an enlightened audience. And number of people who appreciate Carnatic classical in Bangalore is pretty high. Considering the crowd was pretty mixed in age group I was wondering how much they would appreciate such music. But they proved me wrong when Shashank asked the audience what they wanted him to play next. He gave us a choice between "hamsadhwani" and "megh malhar" [I think]. But although the hamsadhwani camp [including urs truly] was more vociferous, he chose to play the other raaga since it is more difficult to play I think. Throughout the concert he kept asking what we wanted him to play and he even played an extra bit of "sindhu bhairavi" in the end for all those die hard fans of that beautiful raaga.
This ethereal music was preceded by another memorable performance by an exponent of Hindustani Classical vocal Aditi Kaikini Upadhya. What a voice!! Gosh! It is simply a divine pleasure to listen to a beautifully rendered aalaap or thumri. Makes we wanna break into kathak on the spot. I had such a hard time controlling my bobbing head and hands and legs also actually from keeping time to the beat. I felt like a new person after listening to both of these gifted artists.
The good part was that several such well known persona's were performing for Bangalore Habba for free - just so that the diverse population could get a chance to hear, learn and appreciate good classical music. I missed a few good ones due to other commitments, but we did make it to the finale at Palace Grounds. The organization wasn't as good and the crowd had a mind of its own. Ganesh and Kumaresh performed there also with an orchestra group. Some kinda fusion music. I was soo distracted by the chaos and was unable to enjoy it at all. So we left and ended up taking pictures of the Palace and eating some fundu "chur-muri".
To conclude this expose on concerts I would have to mention the Yanni concert I went to recently at Radio City Hall. I had heard one of his CD's once upon a time and am not really a fan of his music. Somehow happened upon the tickets so went to check it out. And boy I wasn't disappointed. He had this 20 or so piece orchestra going with him and a set of 12 keyboards or something - wow! With the light effects and screens showing some video clippings to go with some of the music made up an amazing show. A few of the compositions we simply wonderful. Though honestly I heard more of his accompaniments than him. There were people from various parts of the world playing these exotic instruments. Each one a master of his game so to speak. Some aussie playing the 'dook' [not very sure abt the name - sounded like that] - a long hollow wooden tube played by leaning it against the floor at an angle. One fundu guy playing the Chinese Flute [I love that sound]. One mean drummer!! [Regular] another mean drummer playing african/latin kinda drums. The violinists were simply outta this world! There was a jugalbandi kinda setup between various instruments and coupla vocals. Very interesting effect. I guess it is Yanni's show since it is his composition and mixing. Although I inherently expect the lead name to be doing more than holding a finger down on a coupla keyboards. [Uneducated as I am about this stuff - that is what it looked to me like]. The sound effect was awesome! The music literally passed through your system.
In a way it always will. I think I was born with music in my blood, at least to appreciate if not to perform. So I will keep adding more reviews when ever I get around to seeing something new.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
finding religion
I guess we all go thru this eh?
I have always felt that religion is a very relative thing. One could find it anywhere or in anything for that matter.
The Hindu philosophy I feel should be understood in its entirety to appreciate its depth and forethought.
There are too many half baked funda's floating around making it look like a load of bs.
Until the British invasion India had the very interesting situation of new religious philosophy being advocated every coupla centuries. After the 18th century there hasn't been much religious growth in the Indian subcontinent. It is like a huge drop in thinking capacity, suddenly everyone just wants to confirm to one thing and hold on to it blindly.
This blind following is what has resulted in a whole generations not really understanding why they are holding their noses and doing parshanchane!! And of course that has led the latest gen. to just trashing it and going for the best marketed ones.
As far as I know hindu philosophy has always advocated questioning. You have to question and find your own meaning of god/religion.
For e.g., there used to be a basic code of behaviour provided in the gurukul/ashram and after the minimum training students were encouraged to sit alone and meditate on thoughts/problems the guru would set out for them. Only when one is not smart enough or I should say interested enough in finding his/her own path would they be shown the way to what the most popular guru’s had to say in the matter or popular opinion was.
And once one arrived at an acceptable answer of course with guidance of the guru they would go back from school with their own understanding of religion and philosophy.
Of course how things get twisted or set in patterns of convenience over a period of time [a few dozen centuries in this case] is a well known phenomenon. It is very interesting to observe that once one understands sanskrit how the interpretation of scripture can change. I have always felt that as children ppl should go thru scripture lessons.
So the simple problem is with thinking, either less or sometimes too much. And like they say especially in religious quests a good guru plays a very important part. Without that we can only hope we are as skilled as ekalavya was.
Disclaimer: this is just based on stuff I have read and understood. dont mean to pass judgements or bugger off anyone. Everyone is welcome to tear it apart.