Saturday, June 04, 2005

well.... the long awaited story

A coupla months back i had been to this orchid show at the new york botanical gardens. It was awesome, really pretty flowers. Went there with a bunch of girlfriends.

After about 4 hours we were done oohing and aahing over natural beauty and landed in the gift shop [uff! at last ...... my territory].
Now having been there to se orchids i naturally wanted to pick up a souvenir resembling one too! but somehow the marketing department at the nybog had overseen a most imp marketing strategy.... there was almost nothing in the shape of an orchid in that very big, beautiful and expensive gift shop!
well i did say almost didn't i ..... .... they had one little item which was cute and affordable. A wine bottle stopper!! so i bought one - pretty n lilac orchid. So that was one successful outing now wasn't it?!

SPLASH!!!!!!! wake up! that was just part one.
[ok ok patience .... i am getting to the actual point of this story]
don't throw anything that will spoil the fabric of my new jacket!! we have gotten to the stopper we ain't far from the bottle.

so well..... now i had a stopper and no bottle [no need to lend me yours thanks very much - u might need it by the end of this blog] so one day a coupla weekends ago i picked up a bottle of red and a bottle of white based on an impromptu hunch that i might soon have reason to celebrate. i am kinda superstitious abt stuff like that - things woking out in natural sequence of events etc..... ;)

so anyway.. let me not digress here. So now i had the stopper and the bottle i realized i did not have an opener. Yeayy!! another shopping opportunity! So off i went to Crate&Barrel [no they do not sell crates and barrels of anything] and got meself one of those fancy opener thingies.

Now all that was left was a reason to celebrate. So I went out there and found one.

for a few months now i had been searching for something. late nites spent researching and wknds looking for it. Then after 2 months one nite i saw it ...... online - i knew it was meant to be, I knew it was mine...... i had been dreaming of it for a long time...... So I travelled a long distance, cut a decent deal and made it mine :D

I have a glow about me now, a strange sense of peace and accomplishment.. .. a deep satisfaction which can come only out of making the right decision when you know it was meant to be.
So ladies and gentlemen .. without much more ado .. I present .. the new love of my life..


Yes it is not a Miata :( and no it is not Red n white either which was the original choice. Neither is it yellow and black [someone warned me about being teased mercilessly :P] This shade is called 'a little compromise' which went a long way in getting the perfect solution – feels a lot like love doesn’t it ;) ..... for me it is :-D

PS: Personal


bottled-imp said...

congrats lady, that is one hell of a cute car.

Mindsurfer said...

Hey Resh!
Congratulations! Was waiting with bated breath, which one it would be :-p

Take good care of it!

-Burfi :-)

Reshmi said...

thanks guys!!

lol siggy...... u r right abt the ride part :-D

bharath said...

so you have the keys to the love of your life with you all the time? ;)

you shud try photo blog. using picassa.

PM said...

CONGRATSSSSSSSSS---i swear, the mini love lasts forever :-p

Anonymous said...

Aah... this reminds me of a folk tale..where an ol' lady swallowed a spider to kill a fly she'd swallowed coz she thought she'll die. she swallowed a bird to catch the spider, then a cat followed by dog for the cat, a cow she swallowed to catch the dog and for the cow she swallowed a horse... the sad part is she eventually died!

well your turn of events resulted in a MINI..not bad!