Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Spring Cleaning

Another moment passes by, making me wonder if I should try to capture its significance for posterity. The ever dramatic mind of mine is acting up again of course. Please bear with it. The past few weeks have been dedicated to “Spring Cleaning” within and without so to speak. Spring is taking it’s own sweet time in these parts – but hey it’s always a good time for the right thing eh?!

The cobwebs of the mind needed clearing away
with some good sense and light of day.

All slights real and imagined of actions & words, by those who mattered & not needed to be erased before they became permanently etched in the brain and spawned bitterness and god forbid more cynicism than already there!!

The need to let go of something which is not meant to be, the need to find hope for hope to exist, gives strength to break away from ties that are borne out of desperation and bound by illusions of happiness.

One cannot force happiness - Happiness happens, and maybe that is the good thing about it. Granted it is always when you least expect it. Most definitely feels best when you have been in the pits. But it is something which we need in doses large and small every now and then to go on. And sure enough it finds its way back to our doorstep and the dance with fortune continues.

So hey, who is complaining.... cause I’m never gonna stop the rain by complainin’ Because I’m free Nothing’s worrying me.

PS: Personal - I sold most of my stuff today.


Anonymous said...

Very nice !!! very deep indeed .. loved it .. :)

Reshmi said...

thanks dear! :-)